Colic is due to the contraction felt to remove the uterus endometrium is also influenced by the hormone prostaglandin. We also do not feel comfortable because the hormone estrogen and progesteron experiencing turmoil in the balance menstruasi. If the pain can still be arrested, can be called normal.
Painful menstruation have two kinds:
- Painful menstrual primary, arising since the first period and will recover with time alone. More precisely when stabilized hormones or changes in body position and married the womb after birth.
- Secondary painful menstruation, and usually appear new, that is if there is disease or deviation within the womb, such as infection, cyst / polyp, tumor of the womb, the womb, the difference can disrupt the organ and tissue in the surrounding areas.
Menstruasi cycle varies with each woman and nearly 90% of women have cycles 25 - 35 days and only 10-15% with a cycle length of 28 days, but some women have cycles that are not regularly and this can be an indication of fertility problems.
Well when your children start go a woman, gave the understanding of the menstruasi, so they are ready for the changes that occur in the body as well as their psychological. Because sometimes when we menstruasi effect on our emotional labile.
I know that "Menstruasi cycle varies with each woman and nearly 90%"