Sunday, September 27, 2009

skin also have favorite foods

Do not need any skin also lhoo food, even the skin also have favorite foods. Like us, example I, like most uuhhh eat emmm yummy chocolate, to fruit that I can not to other fruit, melon and wine only hohohoho.

Yes, I can still confused yaw, have a skin favorite food? ... I like the skin of all foods and beverages that contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Also minerals.

Vitamin A is one of the micro-nutrient substances that are required by the body that is useful to increase body resistance (immunity) and eye health. Also useful to refine the skin which can be obtained from the orange colored vegetables and dark green.
Vitamin A content of the animal found in the liver, eggs, chicken meat. While the measure has a low vitamin A milk on fresh shrimp.
And vitamin A content in the vegetable vitamin A which is located on the high carrot, spinach, kangkung, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, sausage, pumpkin, sweet potato and red. And who have low vitamin A contents in the bean, corn, eggplant, melon, banana, orange, and star fruit. The green vegetable the higher the vitamin A contents.

Vitamin C is a derivate heksana and classified as a suitable acid carbohydrate askorbat easy teroksidasi be an easy dehidroaskorbat also tereduksi clabber askorbat. There are the orange, red guava, tomato.

Vitamin E is one of the factors that dissolves in fat. And a source of vitamin E oil, among the wheat, corn, vegetables, liver, eggs, butter, milk, meat and especially the bean sprouts.
For tips so that the skin becomes smooth, deh try to consume a lot of vitamin E in the almond and hazelnut. So also with the many fish that contain oil because it can moisten the skin.

Wuiiih, in fact if we want to have good skin, we also must automatically want to spoil our skin with our skin give favorite food our skin.

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