Sunday, May 31, 2009

base cream powder

If you will be partying, or a shooting or events of special, you can use the base cream powder which is packed in the form of a pancake, stick, or a pot.

Type of skin with a suitable powder base cream are:
  • Dry skin tend to be normal.
  • Large-pore porous.
  • There flek
The excess of the base is a cream powder, can be used as a concealer. Can cover the lack of skin, such as stain or blotch.

And lack of lining is cream powder, feels heavy, and pore-pore clog.

How to apply the cream with the powder bed using a spon humid, and wipe evenly on face and neck.

easy way to aplication ...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

base powder liquid

Let us know what the excess powder from the base of L'Oreal Translucide. Alas powder is suitable for use in day-to-day.

There are also types of skin that is suitable for lining powder this is the normal type of skin, pore-porous smooth, wrinkled or dry.

The merit of the offer from the base powder are:
  • Coat the surface of the face more carefully without clog skin pore-pore face so that you can still breathe freely.
  • Texturized soft and durable.
The lack of base powder are:
  • Takes a relatively long time to application.
  • When the less scrupulous or less evenly distributed can make the face look excessive.
And how to apply the liquid powder bed, give on the cheeks, nose, and chin, and then mixed with spon ago pat-pat with fingers to better infiltrate.

Friday, May 29, 2009

colored powder

you never feel you have to face change with colored powder, in order to get the bright color to your face?

This guide is about the colored powder to face correction. Loose powder in various colors have the edit function to help shape the face.

White powder: use the light on the face, use the match in the afternoon.

Creamy powder: giving rays on the skin of mature Sawo dull.

Pink powder color: use color to give the skin a fresh pale. Suitable for face and white skin.

Purple-colored powder: give warm color on the skin or edit skin colors.

Powder colored Green and Blue: mencerahkan to use the dark skin color.

Quite a guide on how to change color powder that is suitable for your facial skin.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Sometimes my own as a woman, upset that lipstick determine which skin to fit my face. Personally I prefer the color peach, but if the color is suitable for my mature skin?

Oouu turns out there is how to find out what color of lipstick that is suitable for our face skin.

To get the color of lipstick and a fitting match for us, try wearing lipstick in the morning soon after you wake up sleeping. If your face looks shining and bright, it means you have to find a lipstick color to match your face skin.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

keep smiling every day

Stress can occur in anyone. Depending on how we face the stress and overcome it. There are a few tips for you to be able to overcome the stress of which are:

1. Before the day of tomorrow, you have a good idea to sleep more quickly in order to get enough sleep. Do not wonder when you will face a serious lack of sleep because when you do not think clear.

2. Start your day with a meal. Conducting activities with an empty stomach is a big mistake, because you can not get the necessary energy to work.

3. Be patient, friendly, and good is the best way to maintain a positive day with other people. Aware sometimes when people face a bad day from you.

4. Think positive, even though everything looks wrong. Do not leave it prevent. Remember day, this is not a you think. There are solutions to every problem, so just relax. This is not the end of everything.

5. Pull one the breath-in stress or if the problem started coming. After that keep smiling. Many smile throughout the day will help alleviate the problems faced.

6.Keep laugh. Imagine the things that funny or anything that can make you laugh and forget the moment.

With a smile for the day, then I believe the first time you smile, then you will get many replies from other people smile.

And when we smile, we have other people also make the day with a smile. Be happy that our people see the happiness of others, and the happiness that we create.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

stress on women

Stress can occur at any time and anywhere, by anyone.

The impact of stress is not only associated with psychiatric and emotional disturbance only. Experts find, stress also affects the physical health. As written by Dr. Esther Sternberg in his book entitled The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions. Stress triggers blood pressure, increase the adrenalin level in the blood stream, the use of energy and a reaction to the body reaches the highest point.

Try our signs, recognize signs when you enter the stress zone that should alert.
  • First, psychological symptoms, the feelings of frustration, irritability, wistful, disappointed, and not feeling powerless.
  • Second, the physical symptoms, such as headache, pschosomatic signs such as nausea and ulcer, and physiological signs, such as high blood pressure, a heart throb, and the high cholesterol content.
  • Third, behavioral symptoms, marked by reduced work productivity and excessive behavior, such as excessive eating, excessive sleeping, and so forth.
  • Fourth, social phenomenon, with marked isolation, both members of the family and society.
  • Fifth, behavior symptoms, marked by the attitude is negative, pessimistic cynicism, and apathetic, "he explained.
  • If you only have one of these symptoms before, then the time you should be wary. Immediately take the time to vacation, just to relax or gather with family.
we need not be concerned at the attack of stress, to avoid a challenge or a job. Those who choose the self-employed at home, rich people, or housewives can also stress. Origin can manage your emotions well, the distribution has a positive and balanced life, stress is not the scourge must worried.

If the stress Try to see stress as something that can be overcome rather than something that you control. No need to find a psychiatrist or get drugs that are clinically antidepresan such as prozac. Ira prescribe, the key is a balanced life and a time to give yourself.

People can empower themselves, will be able to manage the smart emotion. He will not experience disorientation, undecided do not know what to do, or who can not be done. At this stage he can conquer stress, which is approached every day.

In fact stress can not only felt by the adults, children can experience stress when in every day always get pressure from parents and the people around him.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tips for curls

there are a few tips for women blond curls, to appear spellbind. Follow the tips below:
  • To avoid the curls and difficult to set up, do not cut too short curls
  • Avoid comb brush, instead use fork toothed comb so rare hair softer texture.
  • Conditioner is not allowed to forget the lock of hair to be styled more easily.
  • Use a variety of tricks and hair accessories to help get a different look. Try tied behind the nape with a ribbon. Or the right-hand hairpin and with the hair left behind disheveled. Or use the bandana on the head with a wide color sweet.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

enchantment friz

Perhaps most women have more want hair straight, black and dense, especially for women asia. But I think now women can appear spellbind with curly hair.

There is charm for women blond curly, wavy hair with up a little long. Feminim in order to impress and enthrall with the top part of the hair is straight and the bottom of the loop pile. Try to follow the tips below:

  • First, wash and blow-dry hair with a wet towel
  • Second, Give mousse to make straight hair curly more hair from the root to the top of the cervix.
  • Third, use a coarse toothed comb to comb the hair to limit the use of mousse. Comb and dry naturally curly hair and this look at the more subtle wave.
  • Fourth, blow-dry hair from the bottom with a hairdryer. This stage, the hair will dry out and make wavy hair curly more regularly.
  • Fifth, Turn the hair to the bottom and place the hairdryer at the end of the hair. Do not interesting that tress of hair there are only at the bottom. Occasionally squeeze hair with the hands to produce a more beautiful wave.
  • Sixth, repeat steps four and five until the hair is completely dry.

Ahaaaaaaaaa ... simple? .. appear beautiful with curly hair. You will dazzle your partner, so can also dazzle everyone you see.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Are You Snoring?

Snore while sleeping? our own course, if do not know if we're sleeping snore or not. You probably can not imagine if you are sharing the bed with other people, suddenly you hold a concert violinist in the sudden night. That lead to your friend can not sleep all night. Just imagine how you be shine.

Snore occurs because the vibration caused by contact between palatum throat with the back wall, and not related with physical exhaustion. Perhaps you have heard before that in the snore effect from physical exhaustion. And in fact it is a wrong perception.
As an illustration, that the farmers who live in the village more often snore from the people who work office in the city. Physical exercise that is done to increase farmers' muscle strength, thereby reducing snore during sleep.

Men snore more when sleeping in compare with the women. Because the woman is more stable in their work activities. While men do activity the weight and then drastically reduce the activity for the rest.

Snore is not a premonition profound your sleep. Snore and also not only by the natural parents, children and adult people can snore during sleep.

Cigarette smoke may cause irritation to the membrane in the throat, and swelling and infection occurs, and then clog the channel paths that lead to respiratory sleep you snore.

According to Dr. Edzar Ernst, MD, Ph.D. singing with the musculature around the mouth and jaw will increase, and eventually give a good effect to reduce the snore.

And with the sports that you can make regular from snore while sleeping. So you can sleep without profound snore.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Love Coffee

For coffee lovers, there are tips that lho drink coffee to make it more delicious. This the tips :
  • How serve drinks, fill coffee with hot water, not just half a summer will be reduced because of the delicious coffee taste, and even so there are people who feel sick when drinking coffee, but in with half hot water.
  • Drink coffee in with milk, cream, cream shake, sugar palm, cocoa powder, or vanilla.
  • Do not blow drink coffee that is still hot, Better ways to reduce heat slowly with the spoon.
Eeeemmm you can enjoy coffee with delicious ....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Choosing carefully Alas powder

Key finery that is perfect for women on how to choose the right base powder, which is in accordance with our skin type. For the day-to-day use enough powder base that matches the skin color. If you want to appear to attend the special event with only a certain application layer powder that one more light on the level that you wish in prominent. And to disguise the less perfect the application of a powder bed level of the darker skin color.

Would that before the base powder, try a test first with how clean the face with special soap. Then leave about 10 minutes, then taste the changes in the skin of the face if:

  • When Skin feels tight or you have some areas that have attracted the face, it means you have normal skin of the face that tends to dry.
  • If the skin feels normal not-so-so many changes. Skin feels fresh, cold, and pore-pore face small, it means you have normal skin of the face.
  • If the skin on the T (brow, nose and chin) look a bit shiny, that means you have normal skin of the face tend to be oily.
  • When the entire face is shiny like sweat, it means you have oily skin that face.
There are several ways to use a powder base and properly follow the tips below:

  • Make a color test on the cheek or jaw bone under the light or lamp light, the skin must be in clean condition. Wipe slowly and wait 15 minutes in order to sew. When the base powder ignites with the visible color powder lining the option you have right.
  • Then bubuhkan powder thin-thin before wipe color eyes so trappings of more durable.
  • Wipe base powder only on the cheek and brow area. Wipe slowly and evenly from the center outwards using spons of lateks fingers or hands. Justify to the neck and jaw bone down.
  • Better use a color from a brighter color, so the face looks more pale color of the original and more easily apply the trappings nuances brown or bronze.
  • Apply the moisturizer or serum specific evenly (for the face that are not elastic or in the early old age), and leave a few minutes to be more absorbing, and wipe base powder. Easy how to use the base powder is good and true, to appear natural.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

make up for women who are sick

For women who have a high mobility is not only a career woman all the time busy with work. But for me the only woman working in the house after the children and doing all the work it self is also in a woman who has a heavy work and exhausting.

Sometimes we ignore feeling tired, sometimes the result we get sick. But if we already have was appointment with someone who may not refuse us, and we also happened to still be able to fulfill the promise I did not also wrong if we still have to appear pretty despite being sick.

So that we face not only visible but pallid lips also appear dry. Don't worry, tricks make up the following emergency help can we change the look to be fresh, even more are sick.

In certain circumstances pain we face looks pale
How to face pale Before using make up, wipe moisten first face so that the skin looks healthy and elastic. Then wipe reddish blush on nuances to give an impression on the bright face. Avoid choosing matte lipstick because it will make you look pale to, this time choose the type of glossy lipstick.

Dry lips so that we use to hit that lip balm can moisten your lips before using lipstick. You can also spread the honey for dry lips.

OK we're ready to go, with appearance remain interesting despite the fact we are in a state of great pain ... not the women we

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

tips for small lid

Asia for a woman like most of us have a lid that little or narrow so we often had difficulty each time you need to make up the eyes to look bigger and the living. Actually quite small eyes that can look expressive if you know the right tricks to make good looking. Following simple tricks to raise your eyes:
  • Make up application is simple. Too many colors to play with make your eyes look smaller.
  • For the eye make up, use the color brown eyeliner on the bottom of the eye.
  • Then add white eyeliner on the inside bottom of the eye to create the impression of a large and bright.
  • Then the application eyeshadow on the top of the eye, with a choice of neutral colors like brown young, beige, pink peach brown or brown. Choose the eyeshadow cream or powder form. Wipe on the part of the thin, because the eyeshadow that is too thick will only make your eyes look more small.
  • Finish your eye makeup with eyelash. Use eyelash curler ago lapisi lash with mascara. If you want to use false eyelash, choose a natural. Cilia that weight only to narrow your view.
Not easy tips how to make our eyes look to be fresh and alive. Despite our small lid. With the eye we can see the beautiful world, and the colors stories in each day.

At least through the eyes we can see people we love happy, it's just enough for us are happy in the beginning of the day to start our day and work.

Monday, May 18, 2009

still beautiful with the skin black

Sometimes for women who have slightly darker skin color is dark or if the aim is rather difficult to put on make up. Especially if we do not have the confidence that high. Certainly thinking more secure if it does not put on make up alone.

Make Up is a quite important factor to turn your look to appear more enchain. However, for women with dark, sometimes not easy to make up the matches.
In fact, the secret for women with darker turn when the make up is to use colors of youth. In addition, the following will make you look stunning try to follow the way below:

Day, you can use the color pink blush on the face will shining you. whereas for the evening, choose bronze or plum color. You can also apply the other colors like coral, rose, deep orange. While the peach-colored blush on chocolate and you will improve the appearance.

You can show the texture of the skin along the wipe blush on your cheekbone. Blend with the color of gold eye shadow then your face will look captivating. You can wipe shadow of thin gold or the temple at the bottom end of the eyebrow.

Eye shadow is better you choose natural colors, like brown or red brick. Never use bright colors or white. To the top of the lid select light-brown color. Medium lid and use dark chocolate out, this will make you look in the eye.

You can use one color for the lid, select the blue eye shadow or dark purple, marking the near eye. You can also give a touch of sweet, add eyeliner with dark blue or dark gray. And extra eyeliner under the eyes, make your eyes appear more interesting. The last step is wipe lash mascara on, so your eyes look more expressive.

Select crimson lipstick, wine, copper, bronze and Burgundy. You can use one color or two colors fuse to the appropriate color. To select the night and dark lipstick color with the color should be adjusted so that more paint nails enchain.

So ... there is no reason anymore for those of you who have dark skin color was quite dark or not to use make up with reasons such as the above line. Let the black pretty important, can also ...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

About Flour Albus

Maybe for some women is not foreign to the flour albus or leukorhea. Even sometimes we are careful with that because flour albus do not feel it is important to know more about what is flour albus, and what danger flour albus for us.

in medical terms is called leukorhea or flour albus, vagina fluid secretion is excessive and cause complaints
many benefits if we care to start now concerned with the flour albus. There are five characteristics common liquids vagina is not normal, that is excessive in number, fishy or musty smell, causing itching and pain around the sex, white or milk chocolate or dark yellow or redness or greenness, and cause a deviation in the region such as sex outside or bump injury. Not normal can be caused by factors of infection and not infection.

Factors including the infection is bacterial (Chlamydia, N. gonorrhoeae, bakterial vaginosis. Fungi (Candida sp.), And parasites (Trichomonas vaginalis). A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine said in 1997, 92% flour albus caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

Meanwhile, non-infection factors, among others serviks cancer, polyp serviks, for example, allergic to condoms or tissue KB, and irritation.

To avoid flour albus that is not normal there are several ways that we can do:

1. Keep the genitalia. Done waste water with a little clean water, the directions from the front to the back of the bladder anus.

2. Choosing the right lingerie, preferably of nylon material. Change clothes every day. And the pantyliners, not until the day full.

3. Avoid excess body weight and not eating too many foods high sugar womb.

4. Conducting regular inspections gynecology, including early detection of cancer serviks. Ideally once a year, especially for those who do have sexual relations.

No one, if we examined ourselves if flour albus come, especially if you have very flour albus disrupt us. This is all we have to do in order to anticipate the occurrence of more serious diseases such as cancer serviks.

Indonesian Movie Award Winner 2009

Finally Laskar Pelangi overnight event rule Indonesian Movie Award in 2009. The Laskar Pelangi get 5 trophies from the 5 categories.

I also always install a happy smile and even laugh, the whiz we Laskar Pelangi hohoho ... And that night was Andrea Hirata is never separated from the curl of sweet his smile. Andrea Hirata feasible sweet smile that night .. duuuuhhh saccharine.

Cut Mini Akting is not in doubt again, touches the very heart even ring only with sadness to see Cut Mini happy sigh when I saw Harun come, which means the return of Harun is a savior to the nine students in the new SD Muhammadiyah Gantong. Ikranegara also very, very inspirit the Principal as a whole is dedicated to the soul raganya SD Muhammadiyah Gantong.

Ya Zulfani Ikal, the Zulfani more fans from the veris Yamarno the Mahar and ferdian the artist and the genius of the Latitude ... I actually do prefer akting veris Yamarno, but it is no big deal not important that I win the Zulfani Laskar Pelangi also.

More information is the winner of Indonesian Movie Award 2009.

Results Juri Rating:

1. Open the Main Men, Ikranagara (Laskar Pelangi)
2. The Women's Open Main, Cut Mini (Laskar Pelangi)
3. Men of the Open, Lukman Sardi (Kawin Kontrak Lagi)
4. Of the Women's Open, Nasya Abigail (Perempuan Berkalung Sorban)
5. Best New Male migrants, Judika (Si Jago Merah)
6. New Immigrants Women's Open, Laura Basuki (Gara-gara Bola)

Sms voting results:

1. The Main Men Terfavorit, Sophan Sophian (Love)
2. The Women's Main terfavorit, Revalina S Temat (Perempuan Berkalung Sorban)
3. Men Terfavorit New Immigrants, Zulfani (Laskar Pelangi)
4. New Female Immigrants Terfavorit, Laura Basuki (Gara-gara Bola)
5. Soundtrack Terfavorit, Laskar Pelangi (Nidji)
6. Movies terfavorit, Laskar Pelangi (Miles & Mizan Film Productions)

Congratulations for the Indonesian Movie Award winner, hopefully the more prosperous, hayyyah what? ... Progressive Film Indonesia .. Lifestyle Laskar Pelangi ... Andrea Hirata life ...

The dream is the key. To conquer our world. Run Without tired. Until you achieved.

Laskar Pelangi. Will not time bound. Free your dream in the air
Colour stars in the soul. Please dancing and continue laughing. Even though the world is not heaven. Be grateful, in that power. We love in the world .., Forever

Love to live. Provide lasting smile. Even though sometimes life is not fair. But we love complete

Laskar Pelangi. Will not time bound. Do not stop coloring. Millions dream of the earth .... Please dancing and continue laughing. Even though the world is not heaven. Be grateful, in that power. We love in the world

Please dancing and continue laughing. Even though the world is not heaven. Be grateful, in that power. We love in the world .., Forever

Laskar Pelangi, the time will not be bound ..

Friday, May 15, 2009

beautiful in a flash

I include people who do not wear make up clever, honest for me to use my powder and lip gloss just enough. And in fact how the pro-make up the correct and easy to be the result satisfactory?. It turns very easily and I sure you can try. The steps make up ber of them in the right :

1. Identify the type of skin
Normal, oily or dry? This is important because it can prevent us from alregi, skin redness or pustular cosmetic products due to one that is not appropriate type of skin.

2. Cleaning and fresher
Use the cleaning and refreshment when make up at night when go to sleeping. Please clean face before make up is very important to stick to the results seen in the trappings face and durable.

3. Pad powder
Wipe powder lining the direction of hair growth, smooth hair in our face. Usually to the side down.

4. Powder
Wipe powder with a pat even in the face while trim. Do not forget to wipe at the bottom of the eye. Use a soft spons so that maximum results.

5. Eye shadow
Wipe dark colored eye shadow across the lid form a half circle (the eyeball protrusion). Add eye shadow color on top of it until the young under the eyebrow. For an impression of a large, add eye shadow color is rather dark under the eyes of the outside edge to the middle. Do with the gradation, the more in the middle of the tinge.

6. Eyebrow pencil
Use a brow pencil with a float (not pressed). This is to avoid the vicious effect if too dark. To have more maximum results, currycomb the brow of the form that has been painted.

7. Blush on
Wipe on blush brush from the top of the cheekbone to the nostril. Do with the techniques gradation, the nostril to the increasingly thin. Position cheekbone can know if your face is being smile.

8. Lipstick
Finally, using brush wipe lipstick lips. This, in addition to results that also to keep the average clean up lipstick that does not directly contact with the lips.

To clean up the remnants make up the excessive, using a large brush face. And do not forget, always provide paper to reduce the flash on the face due to the excess oil.

Apparently not easy to appear beautiful.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

food and fruit add libido

In fact behind the benefits of fruit and food not only for health only. But also food and fruit can increase Libido for us. Beneficial for the relationship of husband and wife in order to be intimate and romantic of course.

To have sex you and your partner the more extraordinary, it's good you are eating food that can enhance Libido. Among them:

1 - Shellfish.
Shellfish contain substances that increase the high zinc sperm production and testosteron. Shells also contain dopamine, a popular hormone can increase Libido.
How to enjoy:
Clean the shells, open and mixed with ice. You may also be confused with the fresh citrus lemon.

2 - having a speech impediment.
Having a speech impediment contains vitamin B5 and B6 help the high balance of hormones and fight stress.
How to enjoy:
Give a little "Caviar" and "champagne" as long as you start to have fun or having a speech impediment swallow half-cooked before you start sex.

3 - Heart.
Heart and is a source of glutamine can enhance Libido.
How to enjoy:
Mix liver and fried with some sliced garlic.

4 - Garlic.
Garlic contains allicin, the elements that can improve blood flow to sexual organs and is very effective in helping to increase Libido.

5 - Celery.
Celery, which contains androsterone, a hormone to the outside through the male sweat, can make a woman inflame.
How to enjoy:
Wash and cut stem ago some chewing casually.

6 - Banana.
Bananas contain the bromelain enzyme that can enhance Libido in men. In addition, potasium and bananas contains vitamin B which can increase the energy.
How to enjoy:
After peeled, couples have to eat slowly, and share them with you through the mouth.

7 - avocado.
Avocado contains folic acid that helps the process of protein metabolism, which means giving more power. Avocado also contains vitamin B6 (which increase the nutrients male hormone production) and potasium (gland that helps set the tiroid women).
How to enjoy:
Part two, scoop the contents with the fingers, and let the pair then lick.

8 - Almon (or nuts in general).
Almon is the main source of fatty acid is important in producing hormones for men's health. Smell almon also guaranteed to stimulate passionate woman.
How to enjoy:
Can be mixed with the salad that you eat to the energy you need.

9 - Mango, peach and strawberry.
Wipe a liquid to the fruit before you and your entire body by the lap.

10 - Chocolate.
Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a chemical element that can cause feelings of "loved". Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that are good for maintaining the body's immune system.

No one is we utilize what is in the kitchen, or the fruits of our consumption, we usually use as penambah harmony in the household. Bahagiakan pair us, and hopefully we are also always paired beatify us.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

select the brush tips

I know that in choosing the cosmetic brush have a trik. Select the wrong brush, spread the powder, lipstick, blush on, or not so perfect. Choose a good quality brush, that can be used for many years, and the result is optimal. How do I choose and the right to use it, follow the tips below:

1. Use the senses sense. Feel how feathering brush in the area when wipe wrist. This will feel the same when using the brush in the area face. Note whether the brush feels rough and rigid. If yes, do not buy! Should select the brush with a feather light texture and soft on the skin. This will avoid the risk of skin irritation.

2. Choose a natural. Price cosmetic brush quality is usually more expensive. This is because the feathering brush made of feathers like a wolf, a goat or horse bangs. Quality of wool to create the original texture is soft. While the brush made of synthetic fur will feel more coarse.

3. Touch feather wool brush. Try your taouch/ clap-clap feathering brush on a hand. Note also if you find some strand of wool fell. This means that the glue used to paste plume is not good enough. This will make the fur fall off when the brush and washed clean.

4. With a strong pull. To test the strength of adhesive glue feather brush, with a strong enough pull the wool from the brush. Brush cosmetic quality wool that has a dense, compact and rounded at the edges.

At least when we carefully select the brush, then we will be pressing a little expenditure of brush often buy us because the error does not choose carefully brush, which eventually the brush quickly so we can damaged. With more sparingly.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

so that the lips look sexy

I think women who maintain terbisa beauty face and body, must also not be missed to keep the lips to look fresh and beautiful.
Lips is one of the most interesting elements of attention to the face. To have the perfect lip shape, make line lips with lip pencil. Select a color pencil same with the lipstick color. Before wearing lipstick, powder wipe pad on the lips of same with skin color or colors of younger, especially for a slightly darker edge. So that the lipstick last longer, use a brush for lipstick embellishment.

For most women, lips get second priority after the skin of the face. Women's new 'bold' out of the house after at least a powder and lips (lipstick). Therefore, cosmetics for lips is necessary. In addition, the lips tend to become a liability because the lips do not terawat, for example, dry, colored black, or broken in pieces, will certainly affect a person's appearance as a whole.

Let's try this tips and follow these steps:
  • Bubuhkan lip balm for lips humidify. Leave for 2 minutes in order to sew
  • Ulaskan lip pencil / lip pencil nude-pink color evenly on your lips.
  • Select lip pencil with the tip of a large (not the pencil thin edges), to easily wipe.
  • Use a brown eyebrow pencil to make an impression thin line / shading on the lips, lips that look more 'in' and full.
  • End set with lip gloss. Be careful, do not gloss over the lip line so that your mouth trappings remain neat and lips ... sexy!
The form of lips
Full lips, full lips that almost no problems. If you want to experience more light, use a lipstick color without young lips with pencil. Added in the middle of the lips first, a new section to the other.
Thin lips, avoid dark lipstick color or dark. Instead select colors of young or add a shiny lip gloss to give lips more full effect or thick.
Asymmetric hem, the form of a lips appear balanced so that the left and right by using lip pencil.

Skin Color lipstick Available
Red, including not eaten fission period. This color will remain attractive woman. However, first consider your skin color.
For the owners the dark skin, red lipstick should tend to be orange or pink.
To the owner of white skin, red lipstick brown select or red to the purple.

for those who see your lips enchantment with its natural beauty

Saturday, May 9, 2009

tips to become more beautiful eyes

No one is to try our new finery to our eyes, because eyes are the window heart, Go down from the eyes gaze to the heart. So let's try some new look to our eyes to look more fresh, sweet and cool.

You want to appear simple with the eyeliner?. It's easy just try eyeliner on the application of the contour lines of the frame. To give a dramatic impression, make sure the line on the corner of the eye is smaller than the tip of the eye.
The tips that the eyes look more wide, the point of application of the white eyeliner. Be you a simple basic liner.

Or once in a while grooming smokey eyes also cool ....
How to wear eyeliner try to use from the point of eye to form a thin line in the thick end of the eye. Use a cotton bud to smokey effect. If not available, use fingers hand we can also, or just add a mixture eye same color.
The tips apply smokey eyes is the number of layers of the diffuse form of reflection.

If you want to go out, throw a party or shopping at night, try only trappings of style so dramatic. This eye make-up most suitable for the afternoon session and evening.
Try following the application of the eyeliner. Create more lines from the corner of both eyes. Do not forget thick plus the end of the eye to add dramatic effect. If you have a form of small, application should eyeliner from the middle of the eye only, and is supported dark eyes half border on lid, you will look very imposing. So dramatic ...

So now try to ask the person nearest to you how your new look with the trappings of a more brave and cool of course.

I suggest you use the Maybelline Ultra Liner Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner, Dark Brown - 3-Pack. Or Maybelline Lineworks Ultra Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner, Black - 3 Each.

Product Features
* Waterproof liquid liner delivers all-day wear.
* No skipping, no smearing.
* Precision brush for perfect application Safe for sensitive eyes.
* Contact lenses safe. Allergy tested.Won't fade or flake

Important Information
Safety Information
Eye cosmetics in a scratched, infected or irritated eye and scratches from cosmetic eye applicators can lead to eye damage and in extreme cases, even blindness. If your eye is scratched, stop using all eye cosmetics and go to an ophthalmologist immediately. Never apply this product in a moving vehicle.
Precision brush for perfect application Safe for sensitive eyes.

Aqua/Water, Styrene Acrylate Copolymer, Acrylates Copolymer, Alcohol Denat, Butylene Glycol, VP/Dimethiconylacrylate/Polycarbamyl/Polyglycol Ester, PEG 75 Lanolin, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Methylparaben, Polysorbate 20, Sodium Dehydroaceate, Cellulose Gum, Disodium EDTA, Propylparaben, Simethicone, May Contain (+/-): Mica, CI 77491/Iron Oxides, CI 77891, CI 77499/Iron Oxides, CI 77891/Titanium Dioxide.

Start at inner corner of lid and line along lash line following the contour of your eye. Removes easily with Maybelline Moisturizing Mascara Remover or with soap and water.

Friday, May 8, 2009

avocado and health

Indeed, including avocado fruit in avoiding the many women, especially with a body weight above the average for the ideal woman. In fact if not in the excessive consumption will not necessarily add weight to the consumer avocado.

Try it out carefully on an avocado fruit that consists of 70% water, 20% organic fat and 10% other minerals. This fruit also contains protein and vitamins A, B, B1, B2, E and C, betakaroten, linoleat acid, lesitin, calcium, iron, pantotenat acid, potassium, phosphorus, niasin oil and natural vegetation.

In the field of beauty, the avocado is also often used as a face mask. The fruit is considered to be able to make the skin more taut. Avocado fruit is also useful for treatment of hair, for example when doing creambath. It also benefits the avocado can be made:

  • Avocado mask to refine the body skin.
  • Avocado mask to prevent penuaan early on the skin face.
  • Mask avocado to refine and damp skin.
  • Avocado as milk cleaning.
  • Avocado for tired eyes or swollen.

Tips How To Choose Fruit avocado
When you go to the market to buy avocado, never judge a mature fruit avocado from the skin color. If the avocado fruit that you find colored brown or older, not necessarily the fruit was ripe avocado. Try a little avocado is a fruit. If you feel more software means that the fruit is mature, easy ...

So from this moment do not have fear to consume avocado, which is not excessive, will benefit more that we get this from the avocado fruit. Let's try...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tips obscure form of body

We as women need a smart for how we appear to be prime, to appear beautiful in the eyes of people who saw us. Despite the lack of us as we well fat, but we can still be seen modis and remain a central concern of people. How? ... Ok let's try this trick that I can even add our cool!

Already furiously strict diet in order to lose weight but I also work? In fact, without the need to lose weight, especially up to the operation we can also look slim and stylish. Try to follow these tips simple but proven success-this!

Main monochrome
One of the secrets to get more slim dress is to use one or the monokromatik color. When we wear clothes the color of other people will be more focused on color, not in the form of our bodies.

Too many main colors-especially the light colors make the body can 'draw'. Choosing a dress or with the colors such as dark purple solid, navy blue or IM is a more slender look. In fact we want to disguise the form of our bodies. So the tips should be in this one try.

The first before you trust them, please show standing in front of the mirror . But I do believe this time you will make people surprised, that the big body you still look beautiful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Benefits Of Citrus Fruit

Who does not know with citrus fruit, the fruit that is rich in vitamin C. In fact, if the search in more, a lot of benefits that we get from the orange, the orange-colored tiny round.

Orange already famous as the only source of vitamin C. The fruit is rounded suite also contain substances other essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar and oxygen fiber foods, potasium, folat, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantotenat acid, and compound fitokimia .

Orange has long been known as the fruit with fresh and nutritious taste good. In addition to very rich vitamins and minerals, it also contains fiber foods essential for growth and normal body grown. Non-nutrient compound that turns dikandungnya also help lower the risk of some types of infected chronic diseases, such as kardiovaskuler, cancer, and cataracts.

Other merit, citrus does not contain sodium, fat, and cholesterol. Gynecology kalorinya also low, so it will not raise concerns for those working to reduce body weight. A medium-sized fresh orange contains only 60 - 80 Kkal.

Carbohydrate in orange is a simple carbohydrate, which is fruktosa, glucose, and sukrosa. Polisakarida complex carbohydrate form of non-starch is good for health. Fiber is food in the body binding akan vitamin dissolves in water in a gel-matrix, which can slow the process of evacuation and stomach digestion and absorption process.

Circumstances that will extend the feeling of satiety, and decrease the rate of absorption so that glucose can help prevent blood sugar hikes. So be good also as an alternative diet for the hunt.

Do not hesitate ... let's start now citrus consumption.